Dakshina Suwa Viruwo - 2019
Performance appraisal and Awarding programme
The performance appraisal is one of the perfect interventions to address long-term goals of a particular organization. Relevant appraises feel pleased and valued. Thereby performance appraisal offers recognition to a particular institution and boosts their morale which positively changes capacity of the institution. The focus of performance appraisal is assessing and improving the actual performance of the institution and also enhancing the future potential of the institution. It is a powerful tool to calibrate and define the performance of the institution. It helps to analyse its contribution towards the achievement of the overall organisational goals and identifying it as a basic tool in the rewarding process. During the rewarding process, offering prizes as incentives are also important to motivate the relevant institutions, praise them for their performance and acknowledge their contributions to the department’s mission.
Performance appraisal within the department of health services is a process by which department evaluates the performance of its institutions based on pre-set standards. Concession of the best performance of a particular institution is ultimately gained by the respective population. Hence the overall success of each and every institution depends on the quality of the services offered to the population. Dakshina SuwaViruwo is a unique and trend setting programme conducted by PDHS office – Southern province for quality assessment, improvement and felicitation of health care institutions. The main objective is to appraise performance and reward health institutions that upgraded the quality of patient care while encouraging more institutes to enrol in to quality practices and convert them into client friendly services.
Several aspects related to quality were considered like productivity, safety measures, standards of the processes, maintenance of statistics, competence of human resources and physical infrastructure. Selection was based on a standard marking scheme which consisted of all above components.
Objectives of the Programme
- To upgrade the quality of the health care institutions of the province
- To convert institutions to client friendly service centres
- To establish more efficient and effective processes within the institution
- To pay special attention towards the standards of the processes carried out within the institutions
- To minimise environmental related problems within the health institutions
- To face the challenges of the institutions through collectivism
- To minimise wastage and getting the maximum utilisation of resources
- To get the customer’s confidence and compliance towards the institutions
- To get the attention of the health staff towards newer and convenient ways in getting the same process done
- To pay more attention towards the cleanliness and outward appearance of the institution
- To motivate staff through individual evaluation and to get the consumer trust through evaluation of the institution
- To work without any bureaucracy
“DakshinaSuwaViruwo” Competition
All the institutions in the province are eligible for this competition and applied institutions for the competition were classified under the following categories. The preliminary inspection was conducted by the respective offices of RDHS. Institutional supervision at the provincial level was carried out by the provincial inspection team, composed of medical administrators, medical consultants, medical officers, officers of specialists of accounts & administration of office systems and productivity development officers of the national productivity secretariat.
Contesting Categories
- Office of the Regional Director of Health Services
- Base hospitals A category
- Base hospitals B category
- Divisional hospitals((A and B categories)
- Divisional hospitals of C category
- Primary medical care units
- Offices of medical officer of health
- School dental clinics
- Adolescent dental clinics
- Special campaign
- Private hospitals
- Mothers Support Groups
- Covid 19 Treatment centres
At the provincial level, they were assessed under the following parameters that have been developed by the national secretariat of productivity.
The 13th Category to be added on 2020, Dakshina Suwa Viruwo Programme to Evaluate Covid 19 Treatment centres Established before 01/05/2021
Evaluation Parameters
1. Office of the Regional Director of Health Services
Within this category, we are evaluating establishment, administration, planning, leadership & information technology, public health, accounts and productivity indicators.
2. Base hospitals A & B category
There are 5 evaluating parameters in this second category. They are,
i. Service Assessment
Service assessment criteria cover service involving patent context. It includes blood bank, labour room, laboratory, radiology, infection control, waste management, medical records, health education activates, kitchen management, water supply and food hygiene inspection, reception area, ETU, general wards, operating theatre, diseases surveillance activities, immunization activities, MCH services, dental care, mortuary services, leadership & management, information technology and disaster preparedness and response. Also, we modified the service assessment category by adding covid 19 related activities.
ii. Health Administration
iii. Accounts
iv. Productivity Indicators
v. Hospital Drug Stores
3. Divisional hospitals((A, B, C categories)
i. Service Assessment
Service assessment criteria cover service involving patent context. It includes labour room, laboratory, infection control, waste management, medical records, health education activities, kitchen management, water supply and food hygiene inspection, reception area, ETU, general wards, diseases surveillance activities, immunization activities, MCH services, dental care, mortuary services, leadership & management, information technology and disaster preparedness and response. We are willing to evaluate covid 19 treatment centres established before 01/05/2021 in 2022 DSV evaluation.
ii. Health Administration
iii. Accounts
iv. Productivity Indicators
v. Hospital Drug Stores
4. Primary medical care units
i. Service Assessment
Within this category, we are concerned about the waiting area, OPD & clinics, emergency care services, waste management, performance reviews, productivity indicators and overall management, Covid 19 related activities.
ii. Health Administration
iii. Accounts
iv. Productivity Indicators
v. Hospital Drug Stores
5. Offices of medical officer of health
A. Inspection of the MOH Office
i. Service Assessment
Within this category, we are evaluating clinical service, maternal & child health activities. Such as antenatal clinics, postnatal clinics, family planning clinics, well women clinics, nutrition clinics, well-baby clinics and health education clinics. Then we are concerned about health indicators. Also communicable disease prevention, EPI programme, food safety, stock management phamercuticals and equipment, health information management, availability of plans, supervision, human resource management, intersectoral collaboration, public relation and community mobilization, NCD activities and waste management and covid 19 related activities.
ii. Health Administration
iii. Accounts
iv. Productivity Indicators
v. Hospital Drug Stores
B. Field Supervision
This is a new criterion for this category added of 2018 with 10% of total marks in 2019 our plan is to increase it up to 40% of total marks. All field activities in selected 03 PHM areas will evaluate.
6. School dental clinics & Adolescent dental clinics
i. Service Assessment
ii. Productivity Indicators
7. Special campaign
i. Service Assessment
ii. Health Administration
iii. Accounts
iv. Productivity Indicators
8. Private hospitals
i. Service Assessment
Service assessment criteria covers service involving patent context. It includes labour room, laboratory, radiology, infection control, waste management, medical records, health education activities, kitchen management, water supply and food hygiene infection, reception area, ETU, general wards, operating theatre, death survailance activities, immunization activities, MCH services, dental care, leadership & management, information technology and disaster preparedness and response and also covid 19 related activities.
ii. Productivity Indicators
9. Mothers Support Groups
i. Evaluation of projects & special achievements.
ii. Field supervision
The outcome of projects & special achievements evaluated at the field level of mother support groups.
In some categories, there are only 3 institutions and depending on the total marks they will receive one of the three places. In 2018 we changed the marking scheme and put a cutoff mark for the places. Depending on the category of the institutions they have to take marks above that cut-off marks and if not so, the places not awarded.
This is a great opportunity for the institutions to rethink about the standard and their preference. So next time they will motivate to improve and full fill the standards.
“ DakshinaSuwaViruwo” Awarding ceremony
December 15th of 2019 was a memorable day for the department of health services because of the “Dakshina SuwaViruwo” awarding ceremony. It was held on that day with a large gathering at the auditorium in the faculty of medicine, Karapitiya. The above institutions were rewarded with an incentive cash prize, a certificate and a trophy. The chief guests on this occasion were the southern province, Hon. Governor Marshall Perera and Hon. the chief minister and minister of health Shan Wijayalal De Silva. Some other superiors of the ministry of health also participated in making this function more luminescent.
Awarding Institutions
All institutions who strive in a competition may not succeed, but being able to contest is some sort of a capability and it is significant to improve self-esteem. Awards do not only acknowledge success, but they recognise many other qualities likeability, struggle, and effort and, above all, excellence too. ” Dakshina SuwaViruwo” awarding ceremony was implemented in order to energise such institutions by offering value for their competence in front of a cheerful audience. Further, the execution of this type of award ceremony is beneficial for the motivation of other institutions. During this ceremony, a compliment was offered for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, special commendation & commendation including cash, trophy and certificate as follows.